Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting busy in China

I arrive back at my new apartment and basically go to sleep since I have nothing else to do. No internet yet no phone no NOTHING. I go to bed and wake the next morning I don't know what time. I splash water on my face put some deodorant on and try to get myself together without coffee or a shower. GREAT!! Then there is a knock at the door it's Tammy and she says we have to get going because I need to register as a foreigner and I need to get a phone. I get everything together and we are off. We hop in a taxi and pickup another foreign teacher Hasan whom I had never met before. We get to the registration office and it is this very small office with a bunk bed in it. I think to myself this guy sleeps in here this place is so small. ALERT in China as a foreigner if you are going to be staying in China for a long time you have to register with the local police station. I don't know the reason but this is something that has to be done or you could face some serious fines. We finish this task and go to the store to pickup a couple of phones one for myself and one for Hasan. Me and Hasan talk along the way about how boring things are now with no internet and with no friends yet. 

We arrive at the telephone and electronics store and we search for phone bargain. We find a couple of bargain phones and Hasan starts talking to the salesman in Chinese. And winds up knocking about 50 RMB off my phone so it only cost me 150 RMB which is only $24. That is an outstanding price for a phone. When we are heading back to our apartments me Hasan decide to take a bus instead to see more local people and get to know the neighborhood. We get on the bus and the fare is only 1 RMB WOW!!! that is very very cheap. Let's say that is about 16 cents to ride the bus. I know now the bus is very user friendly. I get back to my apartment relax for a little bit and there is another knock at my door. It is Tammy again and she says there is a party tonight and we are meeting the boss. She tells me I have about an hour before I have to be there. She gives me a piece of paper with an address on it written in Chinese. I am very happy about this because I really did not know what I was going to do about dinner. I was going to go to WalMart but I have such a hard time finding things there and I can't ask anyone how to find anything. 

Get a cab and when we get to the restaurant the fare is all of 8 RMB OMG!! that is only $1.32 for a cab ride. ALERT cab fares are usually fairly cheap in China accept the major cities. You will find big cab fares in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and a few others. I get to the private dining room that we have reserved and I am amazed at the amount of food and how delicious it is. There are many people there and I make many new friends. We are drinking beer and my boss introduces me to a white liquor called baijou. I smelled and it smelled like paint thinner. I said Oh My God! I cannot drink that sorry. He understood and said it is an acquired taste. I looked at the bottle and read that it was 57 by volume damn that is some wicked stuff! We continued eating and drinking for a very long time and it was a great evening of meeting new people and enjoying a new cuisine. Well it is time to catch a cab get back home and go to bed and get up some time tomorrow morning REMEMBER I still do not have an alarm clock. 

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