Monday, September 30, 2013

First Day Of Many Woderful Interesting Days

The young man approached me and said hello and introduced himself. He then started speaking to me in Japanese. I speak Japanese so I answered him and asked him are you Japanese? He told me no I am Chinese. I of course was curious on why does this speak young Chinese man speak Japanese so well. He told me he was just interested in the language. He also said that he wanted to travel to Japan some day. My assistant then came up and it was time to go back to my apartment. I asked him do you want to walk with us to my apartment? He says of course sounds great. At this time my assistant asks me who is this guy? And then I remember I don't even know my new friend's name hahaha!! So I ask him what's your name? He says my name is Zhang Nan. Then I turn to Tammy and say this is Zhang Nan. Now  I am finally revealing the assistant's name. 

We arrive back at my apartment and Tammy promptly leaves. I remind her I have no water. She advises me to go to WalMart just down the street. I ask Zhang Nan would you like to go to WalMart with me? He says yes of course. I think to myself what a great guy I don't really know this guy and he so willing to help me. We go to WalMart and Zhang Nan is very helpful. He helps me buy water and deodorant, two things I am in dire need of now. After we finish buying these items Zhang Nan offers to buy me dinner. At this point I really begin to suspect this guy. hahaha!! I think maybe he wants something from me or I don't know he has bad intentions. ALERT this is very regular Chinese are friendly and they really love to have foreign friends. I agree and we go have some very delicious ramen. 

We go back to my apartment and I get Zhang Nan's phone number. I don't have a phone at this time but I know I will get one tomorrow. He leaves and after this I remember I still don't have a clock. So here goes another evening of not knowing what time it is and then who knows what time I will wake up tomorrow morning. I also do not have internet so what kind of evening is this going to be. I decide to go for a walk and take in my new neighborhood some more. I head out to the main street in front of my community Congtai Lu. In Chinese Lu means street. I get to Congtai Lu and see there is a pretty serious traffic jam I wonder what the backup is? Well I make a right and go down the street a little and I find out there is a DONKEY in the street holding everything up. I know now I am really far away from home. The donkey is pretty heavily packed down but moving along pretty good though the cars were surely suffering. I walked a little further and I actually found a bakery with some nice custard tarts and COFFEE I could not believe it. I went back to my new place waving to just about everyone on my way and returning random HELLOS!! from very friendly local Chinese. Hello, HELLO, hello, I think they really love the word hello here. Nope not that at all the locals are just very happy and excited to see a foreign. 

Okay see you next time.

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