Sunday, October 27, 2013

Guest Teaching in Wu'an County, China

I met a woman one night on QQ who said she was a school owner in Wu'an County. Her name was Tina and at first I did not really believe her. She chatted with me several times on QQ and kept asking me if I could teach at her school. I was still uncertain about this school plus I did not know where Wu'an County was. hahaha! Then one evening she video chatted with me from her school. That is one thing really great about QQ you can video chat with it very similar to Skype. I got see some of her school that evening and I was very impressed but I still wanted to meet her in person. She offered to come to Handan and buy me lunch and talk. That of course was great to me especially since Handan is filled with great restaurants. We met a few days later at a hot pot restaurant just a few minutes walk away from Zheng Tong my community. I met with Tina and her husband and we had a great!! lunch and a good conversation. We also took many pictures. 

We decided I would and come and teach the following week. She came and picked me up a week later and its about a 50 minute drive from Handan to Wu'an County. Before we got to Wu'an County we stopped for lunch. At the restaurant they had made a reservation for the restaurants best private dining room. I really liked Tina's style and her way of showing me she appreciated me. We had some great chicken for lunch that day and I was so full I wondered if I could teach in a couple of hours. At first we went to Tina's house and I rested there for two hours before I went to teach at her school. When I finally went to teach at the school I  was met at the entrance of the school with an almost life-sized photo of myself. I was a little shocked. Above my photo was a sign that read "Welcome To Our School Aaron Pierson". That had to be one of my better moments in my ESL teaching career. Seriously ESL teaching overseas can be so rewarding. I taught a short lesson that day on the months of the year in English. We mainly played games and I took pictures with just about all of the children that day. That evening after school we went out to dinner at a hot pot restaurant and again I ate so much I could hardly move. That was not so good because later on we went to K-TV for singing and dancing. K-TV in China is karaoake. I will never forget my time teaching in Wu'an County and hope to do it again someday. I still stay in contact with Tina so maybe this can become a reality. 

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