Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hello Nice to Meet You

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Well it is the first day at Zhang Nan's home and this is going to take some getting used to. I get up and go out to the bathroom that is outside and the air is so fresh. Interesting to me compared to heavily polluted air of Handan. I do my usual morning routine except outside for a change of pace. I go to the family dining room for breakfast and I am presented with this massive bowl of porridge. And some very interesting fried bread that I have never eaten before. The whole family is there for breakfast and Zhang Nan has fairly large family. In Zhang Nan's family he has his brother, sister-in-law their two children and his father and mother. Actually quite a big gathering for breakfast. I am really not used to such a big gathering for breakfast. My family rarely ate breakfast together when I was growing up or at any time just not really our thing. So to me this is really unique that everyone gets together to eat breakfast. We all finish and everyone goes about their daily business. I ask Zhang Nan is there any coffee around here? He looks at me and says wait a moment I will be right back. When he returns he has five packets of instant coffee and its Nescafe not bad for rural China. I really was not expecting that. I really thought that he was going to come back empty handed. I asked him where did you get this? Zhang Nan tells me I got it from one of our neighbors. 

I thought that was so nice that a neighbor would give me five packets I was a little taken back. I was now going to be able to have my caffeine fix while in rural China EXCELLENT! Shortly thereafter the parade of guests start arriving. 

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