Friday, October 4, 2013

Friendly Interrogation And QQ numbers

I meet some of the teachers for the first through third grades and of course everyone is so nice. All of the classes that day were just wonderful. I taught five classes that day with an average of 50 students in each  so I think I taught and met about 260 something new students. Everyone of them just so curious and friendly. They were funny though they just had to attack me whenever they could pulling, tugging, jumping on me that was their fun. Always asking me questions. What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? God bless them with their curiousity and innocence. Well the first day of teaching primary school was complete and now it is time to go home rest for an hour and then it is time for night classes. 

The evening classes are not so bad I just have three of them. I have an hour class and two 30 minute classes NOT SO BAD! I make it fine through the first 30 minute class I keep it easy and we play a game over the last 10 minutes. It is about the middle of the next 30 minute class that I start to lose my voice. You see I had not taught this many classes in a long long time and you use your voice so much when you are an oral English teacher this was bound to happen. I made it through that class but my voice was getting really bad. I get to my next class and it is an hour class and my voice is nearly gone I have to think of something. ALERT don't be worried if something like this happens to you in China as a teacher 9 times out 10 they are going to be understanding and work with you. I tell the Chinese teacher of my situation and she tells the class in Chinese of my problem. It was so amazing all of the students about 40 of them all got up real close. They paid such close attention and they were constantly getting me hot water for my throat. I thought to myself maybe I should do this more often. HAHA! No that is not a good idea. I managed to survive the long day of teaching and started home. On my way home I am walking by a hair salon and three people come two young ladies and a guy. They quickly say HELLO HELLO!! And then of course I say hello back. Then the questions come. Where are you from? What are you doing here? Do you live here? Ah! the friendly interrogation. I managed to escape but first I had to take a few pictures with them. hahaha!! 
Now it is time to get home. 

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