Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Meeting everyone
Well I get up on the first day of my visit to Zhang Nan's home and go outside to the bathroom. I do my usual morning routine except this time it is outside. Again this is going to take some getting used to but I can handle it. The air outside is so fresh very different compared to the polluted air of Handan. Unfortunately with all the coal and steel plants surrounding Handan the air is rather heavily polluted and it is not that pleasant to breath. So I enjoy breathing this air as much as possible. I go to breakfast and I get this massive bowl of porridge and some fried bread and everything is very delicious. The whole family shows up for breakfast this is all unusual to me. My family rarely ate breakfast together we just never had time for that really. Actually when I was growing up I never even remember any of my friends having breakfast with their families. We finish breakfast and I ask Zhang Nan is there any coffee around here? He looks at me and says I will we be right back. He suddenly dissappears and then he is back. When he comes back he has five packets of instant coffee with him. I am shocked I was really not expecting anything given our location. I do not imagine coffee is so popular in rural China. And the instant coffee is pretty good actually Nescafe, great I am now going to be able to have caffeine fix during my stay here. I am going to survive hahaha!! I ask Zhang Nan where did you get the coffee? He tells me the next door neighbor. Ah! very typical Chinese very friendly they don't even know me but they will give me five packets of coffee. 

I enjoy a cup of coffee and Zhang Nan comes running up and says the neighbors want to meet you. It is the neighbors that gave me the coffee and they are very excited to meet to me. We exchange hellos and handshakes and they have mooncakes with them and they give me a mooncake. I had never scen a mooncake before and it looked so cool a REALLY big cookie with this Chinese stamp on it for decoration. ALERT Mooncake is the traditional Chinese food during Autumn Festival. And it is something you have to try. This was just the beginning of  the parade of guests that day. It seems as though Zhang Nan's family had told half the village they had a foreigner visiting and he is an American! Let's just say the day was filled with hellos and handshakes and of course many smiles. At the end of the day someone says something about a wedding in a a couple of days. Actually the wedding is the next day and I am DEFINETLY invited. Here are some random pictures from some outdoor barbeque fun in Handan just hanging out with some friends. 

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