Sunday, October 6, 2013

New Happenings!

The next week goes by very smoothly but a little hectic so many classes both day and night. My third week into teaching in Handan and I meet my Chinese teacher. Her name is Ms. Li and she will be teaching me Chinese. She is of course very friendly and kindly. She comes to my apartment with a friend and a bunch of cookies. I get a gift and a free Chinese lesson you have to love it! Her friend's name is CoCo and she is the younger sister of Tammy the assistant at the school. Which probably means she is a very hard worker. We enjoy the cookies and some instant coffee and I have a great Chinese lesson. The reason why CoCo is there is because she wants her English to be a little better. We talk about me going to her office on my days off to help her with her English. I said sign me up I will be there. We finish up the lesson and they go home and relax for a moment then the phone buzzes. What's this? I have a text message from the Chinese girls that I met at WalMart. I look at the message and of course it is a question. Since everyone is so curious about me. They ask what are you doing? I tell them I am doing nothing. Next question, can you meet us? I of course say yes when would like to meet? 

That was a very good question because I was extremely busy at the time and I really had no idea when I would be able to meet them. We finally decide we will meet in a few days on Monday afternoon. When we meet both girls ask me WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Of course an immediate question. I tell them let's go into WalMart and get something to eat. We go and find a fast food Chinese place and I have a bowl of ramen and they eat nothing. I am a little uncomfortable but they insist and I am okay. We are all sitting there when a man comes over and gives me a drink. I am thinking what's this? He says something in Chinese to the girls and they tell me he is a nice man and he wanted to give you the drink. Again another friendly and kindly person. I finish my bowl of delicious ramen and now what to do? So we decide to go get some coffee. ALERT coffee in some parts of China can be very expensive and Handan is one of those places. We take a bus to this place and it is very nice but not six dollars for a cup of coffee nice. I am not kidding six bucks!! We are going to leave and I ask about the bill but they tell me already done. They paid when I went to the bathroom. I offered to at least pay for mine and they refused. So we finally settled on me paying for their bus fares. Ha! I got them I paid for their 1 yuan bus fare! 

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