Saturday, October 12, 2013

Eventful Day Chinese weddings are fun!

The wedding ceremony was actually quite similar to a wedding ceremony in America. After the ceremony there was a wonderful party. The amount of food was hard to believe I mean it was really a lot of food. Everything of course was very delicious and oh yes plenty of beer. While the party was going many people were approaching and asking me to take pictures with them. This was really fun taking pictures with all of these people many of whom had never seen a foreigner before in person. They were seeing someone with blonde hair and blue eyes in person for the very first time. So taking pictures with me was a serious memorable experience for them. While I was taking all of these pictures Zhang Nan came up and told me the that bride and groom's families wanted to take pictures with me after the party. I was a little shocked I do not know these people but I was honored to take pictures with them. 

Me and Zhang Nan went back to our table after all the pictures and Zhang Nan asked me a question. Can you drive an electric scooter? I forgot to mention this before in my blog but I hate these things in China. I mean these electric scooters are everywhere and they mix in with the regular car traffic and really really cause traffic jams.  That's when I turned to him and said NO! And I really do not like those things. He just looked at me and didn't say anything. I thought it was a funny question but I did not think anything of it. People start to leave and we start to gather for the family photos. I took so many pictures I was actually getting tired. After all the photos the father of the groom approached me and told me in his best English that their marriage was going to be a very happy one because of me attending their wedding. That was one of the most amazing compliments I have ever received in my life. I did not know what to say. Shortly after that the groom approached me with a small envelope. I know what is in the envelope and I just cannot believe it. These people do not even no me and they want to give me money just for attending their wedding. They also do not have a lot of money this is rural China and people are poor here. I find Zhang Nan and we go outside to leave and that is when I see the little electric scooter. This is why he asked me if I could drive an electric scooter. He says this is our ride don't worry I can drive. Okay but we are 8 miles away from your home and it is all dirt roads. 

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