Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chinese Wedding and Many Mooncakes
The night was very eventful. So many people coming over to see me. There has not been very many foreigners that come to this part of China so I am quite the celebrity here. Everyone is so nice and I believe they all had mooncakes with them. So many hellos and handshakes that night I could not even count. I ate a mountain of mooncakes that night and I could hardly move. The main talk that night was about the wedding the following day. Myself I was very excited and curious what a traditional Chinese wedding is like. I asked my friend Zhang Nan and he told me a little about it and it sure did sound interesting to me. Evidently there are a lot of fireworks involved and a lot work on the grooms part. It seems as though the groom has to first go to the brides house and pick her up and bring her and her party to the wedding. The poor fella has to get up extra early that day get himself together then get his party together and then they all go and pick up the bride. Then the groom and his group of folks hahaha! drive to the place where the ceremony will be taking place while leading the bride and her group. There are a lot of formalities with Chinese weddings I will tell you that right now. For some reason or another the groom also has black stuff smeared all over his face. Why I am not clear on that but I think it has something to do warding off bad luck and demons. We are at the hall where the wedding is going to take place and all of a sudden these guys appear out of nowhere and start lighting off a bunch of fireworks and this does not stop for some time. My ears started ringing and then the groom appears with the bride and her party off in the distance. Below is a random gift from a wedding I don't smoke but the package sure is nice. Later on I found out that this is the #2 cigarette in China and costs about 8 dollars a pack. WOW! how nice. If you would like to be favorite link or if you would like information on teaching jobs or teaching programs in China contact me at

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