Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is QQ?

The next day I get an alarm clock and I also now have a phone so I am really starting to get myself together. I am only teaching at night now so I have some free time. After I go to my new friend Hasan's apartment to use the internet since I still do not have the internet. I head out to WalMart to explore a little. Before I enter WalMart I am by three Chinese girls handing out flyers for something. They ask me if they can take a picture with me? I say of course. They speak a little English and they ask me do you have QQ number? I don't understand this QQ thing they are talking about so I give them my phone number. I tell them you can text me or call me whenever you feel like. I also tell them you are my new friends and they got very excited. I think to myself MAN! I love Chinese they are pretty fun and excitable people. I go into the store and maybe 2 minutes later I am met by another two girls. They ask me where am I from? I tell them America and they go crazy. Again this is great too much fun. They too ask me to take a photo with them. I oblige them and they also ask me do you have QQ and what is your QQ number? Again I just give them my phone number and say text me or call whenever.

Later on that evening I am teaching at the school and I ask Hasan what is QQ? He informs me it is a social network in China. I am definitely signing up that seems like it would a lot of fun. When I get home later that evening I sign up for QQ International and begin my fun journey on QQ. I see that on QQ International I can translate Chinese and a few other languages. This is going to be so excellent. I text the Chinese girls that I met earlier that day and told them my new QQ number and they quickly friended me. Ah! I was finally not going to be so bored. And yes this is my first night of even having the internet. A few days go by of same old stuff and then I get a call from my boss. He tells me we need to change your schedule we need you to start teaching at the primary school. He asks me which ages I prefer younger or older students. I tell him I prefer a younger student. He then tells me the school bus will pick me up tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. I think to myself a school bus OMG!! this is not going to be good.

Well the next morning came and the school bus turns out to be a minivan. Some school bus we pick up Hasan and we head to the school. Ah! arrival at the school after running the gauntlet to get to the school it is a serious relief. Talk about some traffic the street in front of my community Zheng Tong is quite the scene at 8:30am. Anyway we get out of the minivan aka the school bus and we are met by a very large group of little people haha! I mean children. WOW!! talk about overwhelming but these children are amazing how excited they are about seeing a foreign teacher. The usual banter starts in HELLO!! HELLO!! HELLO!! HOW ARE YOU? and WHAT'S YOUR NAME? Such great innocent questions. While the questioning is going on I am being jumped on pulled on and an assortment of other things. ALERT when teaching in China this is very normal for the children you just have to understand that are incredibly excited to see you. They want to know you. They want to be your friend. While having my shirt pulled on by two seven year old boys I manage to get to the teachers office for the first grade. Now it's time to get ready for the first day of teaching.

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