Wednesday, October 16, 2013

China's Wonderful Private Kindergartens and Staff
China has some very good private kindergartens and I was fortunate enough to teach at a few of them. The staff also at these kindergartens are exceptional also very helpful and friendly. Chinese now are focusing a lot on teaching English to their children at a very young age. I found that so interesting and the children were such incredible learners and so much fun. Many of the kindergartens actually have better facilities than the primary schools and high schools in China. Chinese are very focused on early childhood education. I am excited today to show many photos of my time teaching at one of these kindergartens. There are wonderful photos of the staff, children and me of course. Tomorrow I will continue my story about teaching and traveling in Handan, China. Enjoy the photos and I think tomorrow will be another electric scooter folly. If you would like to advertise on my blog or if you would information on teaching jobs in China contact me at

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