Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Autumn Festival Adventure

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We finally catch a bus and somehow find a seat way in the back of the bus. This bus was AMAZINGLY filled with sooo many people. I always say nothing like travelling during the holidays. I cannot believe this many people travelling everywhere. The bus is extremely slow and I actually feel I could out run this bus if I wanted to. No wonder the bus fare was so inexpensive. I still have a two gallon jug of cooking oil on my lap and it was getting very uncomfortable. ALERT Again I do not recommend travelling like this as a foreigner spend about eight more dollars and get a luxury long distance bus. Zhang Nan is having a conversation with two Chinese girls and it seems like they have a slight problem. It appears as though they have gotten on the wrong bus. This is very unusual what to do? Zhang Nan tells me he will call his father and ask him if he will give them a ride to their destination. This to me is very interesting a real random act of kindness from my  friend Zhang Nan. We had been on the bus a little over three hours and he calls his father he will pick us up when we arrive and he will take the two girls to their destination. WOW OKAY!! Things are getting more interesting. 

Its about 30 minutes later and we arrive at our bus stop somewhere in the middle of nowhere in China.  And sure enough the two girls hop off the bus with us. And Zhang Nan's father picks us up in a rather small car we all cram into the car. Now I really am not aware of where I am going here and I had no idea that my friend Zhang Nan's family lived in rural China. Let's just say I am a little concerned hahaha!! We keep driving down these dirt roads I guess I am in for a serious adventure this time. Hey why not it is what I am here for to truly experience China. Nothing fake and nothing touristy. We arrive at Zhang Nan's house at the end of this dirt road and we are greeted by his family. His father talks with this his mother a little bit  and he drives off with the two girls. I found out later it wasn't so bad but still 15 miles away is 15 miles away. We are hurried off to eat dinner and of course the meal is very simple but delicious and again everyone is SO HAPPY! I look around and it is not that great here but these people are very happy with this kind of simplicity. Zhang Nan shows me around the house and the property and there is no indoor plumbing so the bathroom is outside. I will get more into that later this is going to be a very interesting three days. I think am ready for this adventure. 

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