Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another Electric Scooter Folly

My two days with Lilac kindergartens #1 and #2 were past and I am going back to teaching at the primary school it is Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend. Actually the weekend doesn't really matter because I still teach on weekends but I like to pretend. ALERT if you teach for a private training center in China you more than likely be the most busy on the weekends. I still enjoy the weekends and teaching at the training center. One reason I like it so much is there is a nice bakery next to the training center with great coffee and pastries. Anyway it's Friday morning and I am waiting for the van to pick me up and take me to school. I had been waiting about 15 minutes and I decided to call Tammy and find out what is happening. I get no answer and then I get this strange message in Chinese that of course I do not understand. I then call the director of foreign relations Tony, and try and get some information from him. I again get no answer and the same message strange message. I catch a taxi to the school. I show the driver a message that I have on my phone which gives him the address to the school.

I arrive at the school and something seems strange there. There is no kids outside playing or anything and it is about recess time. I start to walk towards my first class when I am greeted by the head teacher. She says what are you doing here? Did you get my message? I said no I did not. She tells me today is testing and there are no classes and I should go home. I tell her I think there is something wrong with my phone. She listens to the message on the phone and tells me you have no money on your phone. That is why your phone is not working. That is also why you did not get my message. She then tells me I will give you a ride to your home and  where you need to put money on your phone. I am waiting for her pick me up when she pulls up on an ELECTRIC SCOOTER! I think to myself oh no not this again. She tells me to get on so we can go. I tell her I think I will take a cab. She insists and insists so I get on. She says don't worry I am a good driver. I am very scared because the streets of Handan are very busy with cars. In Handan there are cars literally everywhere. We start down the busy street and I am so scared no helmet and I am precariously sitting on this scooter. This is when the real adventure begins first stop China Mobile to take care of my phone. Jump off  the scooter go inside and they tell us that it is not a China Mobile phone. She asks me do you know what company you are with? I tell her I do not know. Again we ride down the busy street and we stop at China Telecom they to say no. Well it can only be one more choice you must be with Unicom. We go to Unicom and I put money on my phone by now I am rattled by all the electric scooter riding. Now it's time to go home if I can manage stay on the little electric scooter. If you would like to teach in China contact me at I have many available teaching jobs.

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