Monday, October 14, 2013

The Ride Back And Something More

I get on the electric scooter with Zhang Nan and we head back to his house. It was actually quite comical. My knees were very close to my head and it was incredibly difficult for me to  remain on his scooter while it went down these bumpy dirt roads. Really we were going so slow I do not think I would have been injured hahaha!! No kidding I think I could have out ran this electric but I was too tired at the time. I am sure one really bad bump and I would have fell off that scooter and I would probably not stopped laughing for a long time. In the first place I thought this whole event was hilarious. Me riding on the back of an little electric scooter going down a dirt road in China I never thought that would happen in my life. We arrive back to Zhang Nan's home and of course we are greeted by his mother and she hurries us off to get dinner. We watch a little television there some good Autumn Festival shows were on. We go to bed early since tomorrow is going to be a very eventful day we are going back to Handan. 

We get up early the next morning and before we leave I decide to give Zhang Nan's mother my rice and cooking oil that was given to me. I know that every day that I was there they were only giving me their very very best. Their smiles were also so amazing every single day I wish I knew their secret for happiness with such simple things. I just left the rice and cooking oil I did not want to create any kind of scene. They would just be able to enjoy later. We get a ride to the bus stop from Zhang Nan's father and the bus comes a few minutes later. While on the way Zhang Nan tells me we are going to meet some of friends a long the way. He also informs me we are going to a party. We ride the bus for a couple of hours and get off at a county outside of Handan. I really wish I could remember the name of that county anyways we were about an hour west of Handan. We meet six of his friends at this nice little restaurant and they reserved a room for us. Someone mentioned beer my ears perked up hahaha!! Thats when I told them I got it! After all the groom had given me that money after his wedding ceremony and I am sure he wanted me to do what I wanted to do with that money. I decided I wanted to share so I went to a store next to the restaurant and bought a case of beer. ALERT beer in China is very inexpensive and generally pretty good so actually this was not that big a deal. A little more information most restaurants in China will allow you to bring your own alcoholic beverages. I will tell you of course the party was great and I had six new friends  and six new QQ numbers hahaha!! Now it is time to head back to Handan. Below are some photos from a very glamorous wedding that I went to more on that later. 

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