Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chinese Cuisine (Hot Pot)
There are so many different kinds of food in China it is amazing. Almost each province has it's own style of food and preparation. Each province will have it's own speciality food. In Handan one of my favorite kinds of food was hot pot. I love hot pot the boiled meat, fish, vegetables, tofu, etc. I especially like hot pot because it is so much fun to enjoy with friends boiling the food together with good conversation. Myself I love hot pot very spicy to where the broth is filled with red peppers and green peppercorns. Green peppercorns were different to me when you eat them they give your mouth kind of a numbing effect.  SO DELICIOUS!!!! The milder broth is also very good and maybe you can taste the food a little better. I just like spicy and Handan was a great place for spicy food. In my neighborhood in Handan there are several hot pot restaurants. I was very lucky to enjoy this type of Chinese cuisine with my friends many times. Have a look at the photos and you should try Chinese hot pot sometime! If you would like to advertise on my blog or if you would like information on English teaching jobs in China contact me here

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