Friday, October 11, 2013

Why The Groom Has Black Smeared On His Face

Today I just have some information told to me by a Chinese friend of mine. The reason why the groom and his family have black stuff smeared on their face is because wash and happy in Chinese is a word that is pronounced the same. The groom's family is very happy because they are adding a new member to their family so they will wash their face and be happy. Now how cool is that you just have to love different cultures especially ancient cultures. I am usually happy to after I have washed my face. Tomorrow I will continue on about the wedding. Below is one of the reasons teaching in China can be such a rewarding experience. Actually teaching in any foreign country can be a rewarding and learning experience. Different cultures, different people, different food you can't beat it if you ask me. Oh I almost forgot thank you to my Chinese friend for the information on weddings.

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