Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Schedule Change Its Kindergarten Time

After the party and the bus ride a few days went by with just the same routine then I got a phone call. Tammy called me and said tomorrow you start a new schedule you will be teaching kindergarten two days a week. Hey that sounds great!! The next morning comes and I wait for Tammy at the front gate of Zheng Tong. I wait for a few minutes and then she comes. We took the 20 bus to Lilac # 2 kindergarten. The bus ride was long about 50 minutes but it was worth it to see the little ones. We arrive at the kindergarten and meet the head teacher there. She is a wonderful tiny lady with a great attitude and a lot of energy. I think it takes a lot of energy to teach 3 to 5 year olds because they have so much energy. Tammy leaves and the head teacher takes me to my first class. All of my classes are 20 minutes long and that is good cause that is absolute max attention time for a 3 to 5 year old. At all of the classes I am mugged by the children. They all wanted to jump on me and play. 

Well 11:30am rolls around and I have finished my classes and it is time for is lunch. I go to the head teacher's office and ask her what time do you want me back? She tells me 2:30pm we will see you then. I did not know what I was going to do for three hours. I asked about a lunch at the school and they told me that its 5 RMB for lunch. Well 5 RMB for a kindergarten lunch or 6 to 7 RMB for a lunch outside and probably something that I would like better I will go for that! I went outside and had a look around so many different kinds of food stands and little restaurants I did not know what to choose. I finally settled for a lamb barbecue and some rice. It was a little more expensive at 8 RMB but hey whatever it was so good! The gentleman that operated the little restaurant was so happy that I was there he wanted me to come back every day. I told him I am only here once a week then he said okay you come here every week!! What a nice guy. Well its 1pm and I go back to the kindergarten to see if they have a place where I can get a little sleep. They inform me no they did not have a place for me to sleep but I could lie my head down. I go lie my head down on this hard table for awhile and 90 minutes seemed like an eternity. ALERT The reason for the three hour lunch break is because the little children need their two hour nap, of course! I told myself next time there has got to be a better way. Well my next class rolls around and it is so funny the children are just coming from their naps and their hair is all messy especially the girls. Below is the magical kindergarten. If you would like to advertise on my blog or if you would like information  on teaching jobs in China contact me at tanukichamptranslation@gmail.com

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