Monday, October 28, 2013

Sleeping car to Shenzhen
I took a trip from Handan to Shenzhen one time by sleeper car train. This was quite a memorable experience with the length of the trip and with all of the people that I met. I took a T-train to Shenzhen from Handan and it was a 18.5 hour trip. A little lengthy ride but a comfortable one. I had a middle bunk with plenty of room for myself and my bag. Everyone in my berthing was very friendly and courteous which helped even more for a smooth journey. I think Chinese travel long distances very well. They were all so well prepared. So many had very large bottles of water, plenty of snacks and large containers of instant ramen. Needless to say I was not so well prepared for the journey. I had brought with me a myriad of snacks ranging from peanuts to chips but really it was not enough. I was hoping to get a meal from one of the meal carts on the train but nothing was appealing and I did not understand what most of it was. There was one young gentleman who could speak good English and he offered me one of  his ramens. I said yes and it was very good. Instant ramen in China is different than instant ramen  in America it actually tastes really good. I had a good conversation with this man and found out he made this trip many times a year. He told me he was from Tianjin and he advised me to go there sometime. From what he told me about Tianjin I would like to go there sometime. 

When I made this trip from Handan to Shenzhen there were no direct trains to Shenzhen. Now at Handandong Railway Station you can take a G-train directly to Shenzhen. For this trip I had to transfer at Guangzhou station. Guangzhou is a little less than an hour train ride to Shenzhen. This is where things get a little funny for me. I got off the train and I had a piece of paper with me that read" train to Shenzhen please" in Chinese. I saw a man yelling something about Shenzhen so I approached him. I showed him my paper and hurried me off to a train. When we got to the train it was a D-train and it was dining car. I tried to the explain to the gentleman that ushered me to the train that I did not have a ticket. I was using hand gestures and facial expressions and finally he just told me in his best English "it's ok!'" Then he gently pushed me onto the train. Then I wandered around on this dining car trying to find someone to purchase a ticket but I found no one. So I took  a seat next to this gentleman who insisted that I sit there. I ordered a bowl of shrimp dumpling soup and a soda and wondered if I was going to be able to buy a ticket for this train. Well we got to Shenzhen and it turns out I did not get a ticket before arriving there. When leaving Shenzhen station you have to show your ticket. Well I did not have one and this was going to be interesting. I approached the man at the gate and again tried to explain with hand gestures and facial expressions except this time it did not work. He just looked at me confused and not so happy. Then out of frustration he just opened the gate for me and pushed me through, then waved GOODBYE to me. I was a little disappointed because I was ready to pay. I wanted to pay. Well I thought next time I will double pay. hahahaha! Well now for Shenzhen. If you would like to be a link on my blog or you would information on English teaching jobs in China contact me at

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