Thursday, October 24, 2013

Helpful Chinese Medical Clinics and a Chinese Proverb

I would like to start today with a Chinese proverb." A Hasty Man Drinks His Tea With His Fork". Meaning a man can be so busy that he gets nothing done. He just treads water and gets nothing accomplished basically he leaves all of his jobs incomplete. Myself I love Chinese proverbs they are helpful in life. In a way they can help you open your eyes a little bit. Ancient cultures have an interesting point of view. Now it is time to get back to my life and times in China. I went out this one evening and indulged a little too much on very spicy ramen. As a foreigner I should have been a little more careful eating too much of the red chili pepper sauce. I woke up in the middle of the night having to go the bathroom this was bad. I had an awful case of diarrhea and my stomach was just jumping around. I got up the next morning hoping my problem had been resolved somehow overnight.

Well I was very wrong as soon as I got up it was time to go the bathroom. I just continued to get ready for my day since I had 8 classes to teach that day I was going to be busy and would just have to deal with it. I went to school and taught that day and visited the bathroom multiple times. Later on in the day since the diarrhea was not ceasing I called the new assistant, Chen. Chen told me he would get some medicine for me and meet me after my classes at 4:30 pm. He meets after school before I get on the van to go home. Chen not only got me anti-diarrhea medicine but he also got me some cold medicine he said "just in case." The weather was getting a little cold. I took the medicine for two days but the diarrhea was not getting any better and I was getting a little concerned. I called Chen again and told him I have to go to the clinic. We went to the clinic the next morning. Luckily the clinic was only a 10 minute walk from my apartment in Zheng Tong I do not think I could have gone any further. I saw a doctor immediately and I was very thankful for that my situation was turning for the worse. Hahaha! The doctor looked at me quickly after Chen described my illness to her and she said "you need IV". She prescribed two 2 hour IV sessions. After the first session I was already feeling like I was getting back to normal but I was very tired and I still had classes to teach in the evening. I managed to get through the classes that evening like the TROOPER teacher that I am and did it with a smile. Needless to say after the next IV session the diarrhea was gone and I felt great!! The doctor at the clinic knew exactly what I needed. Come be a favorite on my blog or would like information on teaching jobs China contact me at I will get back to you immediately.

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