Monday, November 11, 2013

Today is Singles Day in China 11/11
Today is Singles Day in China. This a unique celebration, festival or something like that it is very similar to Valentines Day in America.  Singles Day in China is a celebration or mourning of being unattached. I was there for Singles Day and it was quite interesting. I received many QQ messages that day haha! Very cute! They wanted me to leave a message for them on their QQ pages which is similar to a Facebook page. While Singles Day is relatively unknown outside of China it will probably become more prominent in the following years in China. A recent study done by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says that more than 24 million Chinese men could find themselves being without partners by 2020. WOW!! that is a lot of single guys. Chocolate giving is very popular on this day in China again very similar to Valentines Day. In Beijing there is a luxury baking school called The Fig Tree which holds a chocolate truffle making course for singles on Thursdays. That sounds like fun. In Beijing at the new amusement park Happy Valley they have special Singles Day events. A single man can bring a female partner for free. He pays the $25 admission fee and she joins him for free. Two for the price of one that is an excellent dating idea. In Shenzhen at their amusement park Splendid China they to host special Singles Day events. This is quite a celebration and it seems like fun if you are single.  Myself I want to go to Splendid China cause I love Shenzhen. Click the link here and learn more about Singles Day in China. If you would like to be a link on the blog or if you would like information about teaching jobs in China contact me here Oh and HEY LADIES!! hehe! Ah! the little girl is crying her eyes out though!

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