Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Shopping in Handan, China

My first salary arrived and it was time for some shopping. I will never forget some of incredible bargains that I got in Handan. I usually shopped in WalMart since that was the only store that I was really familiar with and the closest to my apartment. There were imported items also at WalMart another reason to shop there. I liked shopping for eggs in China because it was so different than America. In China I picked my own eggs from these baskets that the store put out. The eggs were obviously fresh right from the farm since some of them still had feathers on them. WOW! The eggs also were a little larger than eggs in America. And what a deal  to me only 90 cents for 10 eggs. I also loved beer prices in China. I could get large 24oz bottles of beer for 50 cents. Now that is the biggest bargain of them all. A beer that I drank besides Tsingtao was Snow Beer a nice choice try it sometime. Bread in China was also interesting it was baked fresh in the store and it was only 50 cents a loaf. Coffee was always instant for me in China since regular ground coffee was so expensive since most of it is imported. There is some coffee grown on Hainan Island in China which is very good but it to so expensive. Hey Nescafe is not so bad once you get used to it. If you are a coffee lover though Hainan coffee is a must try it is delicious! Produce was always so inexpensive in China too most items were under 90 cents for a pound. I maybe a little biased but the best instant cup ramen in the world is in China. As you can tell I did not cook much while I was in China hahaha!

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