Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nice Things in Handan
I was always so fortunate with the nice people that I knew in Handan. One day I was at a little store next to the training center just buying a few items. I was buying a bottle of beer and some chips when from behind someone's hand appeared and took my groceries. I thought "what is happening?" then I looked back and it was one of my student's mother's buying my beer and chips. She just scooped them up  and paid for them and gave them back to me smiled and walked away. I was amazed at this kindness but I guess for them it was just natural. One day on a day off that I had I got a phone call from one of my favorite students, Adam. He ask me "teacher can I come over and play?" I of course told him yes. He came over with his mother it was so great. Adam wanted to introduce me to his mother. We sat in my living room and talked about Adam's studies. I said Adam was a great student in which he was. I actually still talk with Adam on QQ every week. Then Adam's mom asked me "did you eat yet?" Can we take you out for dinner? I said yes you can!! I would really like that. They decided on a famous Beijing Duck restaurant in Handan. I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant because this place was phenomenal. They made a reservation for a private room and it was very nice. The duck was so delicious I will never forget this meal. There are some wonderful restaurants in Handan. I was too lucky to have such thoughtful and kindly students.

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