Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chinese Proverb Shi Ma
 I love a good Chinese proverb. This one I found to be so interesting I said WOW! a few times. A long time ago Sai Weng lived in the frontier land of China raising horses. One day Sai Weng lost a horse and a neighbor came to him and felt sorry for him. Sai Weng did not really care about losing the horse and said maybe this was not a bad thing. A few days later the horse returned and with another horse. Many neighbors came and congratulated Sai Weng for the horse returning and the new horse. Sai Weng thought that maybe this was not a good thing. His son really liked the horse a lot and he often rode the horse. One day his son was riding the horse and he fell off the horse and broke his leg. Again Sai Weng's neighbors came and everyone was so sorry for Sai Weng. Sai Weng said maybe this is not such a bad thing. Everyone thought this was strange. Soon after a war broke out and all of the young men from the region went to war. Because of his broken leg Sai Weng's son could not go to war. Most of the men died.  

This proverb is about bad fortune turning to good fortune and good fortune turning to bad fortune. Seems quite logical! If you would like to be a favorite link on this page or you would like information on teaching jobs or teaching programs in China contact me at 

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