Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chinese Kids Love Sports

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I always loved teaching the kids and watching their reaction when I would tell them how much I loved sports. I would tell them I loved to run, play basketball, baseball and football. I would say "raise your hand if you like sports."  After that more than 90 percent of the class would raise their hand.  Their smiles would be so big and their excitement just amazing. Then I would ask them "what sports do you like?" Their responses were always a great variety. I like badminton. I like soccer. I like jumping rope. I like ping pong. I was always intrigued by their enthusiasm about the sports they liked. I tried playing their favorite sports like badminton and ping pong and I would always lose to  the older students. Actually the little ones were funner to play with cause they would always tried so hard. Sports can bring everyone together.

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