Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christmas in Handan, China
I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog I reached a viewing milestone the other day of 3500 page views! I knew that Christmas in Handan, China was going to be an interesting one and quite possible very rewarding. It was a week before Christmas and Jade the lead teacher at the training center approached with a question. "Can you be Santa Claus for the kids?" I said "of course." Yes it definitely was going to be a fun and interesting Christmas. The next day I went to a kindergarten where I was teaching at and they asked me "can you sing or dance at our Christmas festival?" and I said yes to that to. December 23rd the Christmas festivities started at the training center. I arrived shortly before my classes started and I was given a full Santa suit with fake beard and moustache included. I went to my first class and I was overwhelmed with reception I got from the children. I mean usually the reception was so good but this time the kids were just crazy to see Santa Claus. I had a giant bag of treats for them and I handed out a little bit to everyone. We played some games and some of the children sang.

I played Santa for three days and it was just too much fun. It was so great to have a three day break from teaching. I was truly amazed at some of the students performances whether they were singing or playing some Chinese folk instrument they were SO GOOD! In particular some girl played this string instrument amazingly good. It sounded professional to me. On Christmas day I went to the kindergarten to sing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer and Here Comes Santa Claus. I walked to the kindergarten and as I walked there I noticed an unusual amount of people on the street going toward the kindergarten. As I got closer I realized what it was for it was for the kindergarten everyone was going there for the Christmas festival. I started to get a little nervous. I must have sang in front of 300 people that day. It was so funny they thought I was the best entertainment there. The staff at the kindergarten were so kind and they gave me a basket of apples as a gift for my performance. Later on I went to the training center for the last day of being Santa and they had a party for all the foreigner teachers there. They gave us a nice gift a ceramic coffee mug set. I was not in America but I definitely felt appreciated and very welcomed. If you would like to be link or if you would like information on teaching jobs in China contact me at

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