Wednesday, November 13, 2013

LIttle Students of Handan and The Frog in The Well
Long time ago there was a frog that lived in a well. He could swim all over the well eat the flies and bugs and just cry out till his heart was content. Sometimes he would stroll ankle deep through the mud around well it was just so beautiful. He was the KING of the well the RULER of all creatures in the well. He was so happy. One day he came upon a sea turtle from the Eastern Ocean. He told the sea turtle of his great life and that he should come by the well more often and have a good time. The sea turtle then tried to step inside the well but he could not he was too big and he did not fit inside the well. After this he started to describe the ocean to the frog. "It's more than a thousand miles across and more than ten thousand feet deep. There are many different fish and other creatures living in the ocean. Seven years there were droughts yet the water in the ocean remained constant. The ocean is so big that is why I love living in the ocean. Then the frog in the shallow well became silent and felt a little abashed. Interesting Chinese proverb.

I always loved teaching the kindergarten students the best. Their little faces and always being so excited to see me just made my day. There were a few that were afraid of me since they had never seen anyone like me before. Most though were just so excited. They told me before taking the kindergarten job that it could be hard work. To me it was never hard work mostly just play time. Below are some photos of the little children. If you want to be a link on my blog or you want information on teaching in China contact me at

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