Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Taking A Sleeper Bus In China

A sleeper bus is a wonderful way to travel in China. It is a good alternative to a train or by plane. The sleeper bus is less expensive than the high speed trains in China but they are faster than the slow trains in China. These buses are extremely convenient by travelling at night you sleep in your bunk and when you wake up in the morning you are at your destination. The beds are not that comfortable for a tall person but it is not too bad. The nicer buses will have some television and provide you with a bottle of water. These bus stations are usually located next to the railway stations in China so central location and good transfer point if needed. I feel this is a great way to really experience China. If you would like to be a favorite link on my blog or if you would like information on teaching English in China contact me at tanukichamptranslation@gmail.com Here are some links for bus travel. 
http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/hongkong/transportation/bus.htm  http://www.chinabusguide.com/  

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