Sunday, December 8, 2013

Michael Jackson, Basketball and Teaching ESL in China

Michael Jackson and basketball were incredible friendship builders with my students in China. I think making friends with your students is so important. Let them know they can go to you for help. The teacher is not their enemy but their friend and can really help them with their English.  Some of my best students were my basketball friends. Reason why is because they would want to have conversation outside of the classroom. How good is that they are doing homework and they don't even know it. Talk about starting a conversation just mention you like Michael Jackson and you will start a firestorm of a conversation. The students will start dancing and saying their favorite songs "Beat It" "Bad" and so on. Michael Jackson was truly internationally known and still is loved. I was in remote parts of China and I could hear a Michael Jackson song. I think these two simple things really helped my students and they were not just my students they became my friends. If you want information on teaching jobs in China contact me at or just some information on China.
Thanks for reading my blog.

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