Monday, December 30, 2013

Hornitos Plata Tequila TV Commercial, 'Any' Believe me just ANY is a very bad idea

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The City of Handan, China Is An Interesting Historical Place

Handan, China is an incredibly historical city. Handan dates back many thousands of years ago. Handan was the capital of the Zhao Kingdom during the Warring Period. Handan has a very rich cultural history. It is famous for Chinese idioms, legends and folk arts such as Buddhist temple music. Shang Gu Wu dance with fans and drums is also a very popular art form in Handan. In nearby Yongnian County there is an original form of Tai Chi called Yongnian Tai Chi. There a few other interesting spots in Handan. Wahuang Palace this is the enshrinement for the Goddess of Sky-Patching according to Chinese legend. I did not see this place of interest but I sure wish that I did. Jingniang Lake also known as the pearl of the Taihang Mountains. Now I did visit this place and it is gorgeous. Handan also has some wonderful foods. One being donkey meat sausage tried it and I liked it. Congtai wine is also very delicious and famous in Handan. Handan is easy to get to by train from Beijing Xi railway station. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Enthusiasm and Happiness Works Best For Chinese Students
My experience in China with teaching the kids was like this the more enthusiasm and happiness you can bring the more fun and interactive your class is going to be. Making the class a little action packed always makes an impact on the children. Below is one of my fun classes in China these were little ones too ages 7 years and younger. Always contact me about teaching in China or if you would like to be a link on my blog

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Michael Jackson, Basketball and Teaching ESL in China

Michael Jackson and basketball were incredible friendship builders with my students in China. I think making friends with your students is so important. Let them know they can go to you for help. The teacher is not their enemy but their friend and can really help them with their English.  Some of my best students were my basketball friends. Reason why is because they would want to have conversation outside of the classroom. How good is that they are doing homework and they don't even know it. Talk about starting a conversation just mention you like Michael Jackson and you will start a firestorm of a conversation. The students will start dancing and saying their favorite songs "Beat It" "Bad" and so on. Michael Jackson was truly internationally known and still is loved. I was in remote parts of China and I could hear a Michael Jackson song. I think these two simple things really helped my students and they were not just my students they became my friends. If you want information on teaching jobs in China contact me at or just some information on China.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Taking A Sleeper Bus In China

A sleeper bus is a wonderful way to travel in China. It is a good alternative to a train or by plane. The sleeper bus is less expensive than the high speed trains in China but they are faster than the slow trains in China. These buses are extremely convenient by travelling at night you sleep in your bunk and when you wake up in the morning you are at your destination. The beds are not that comfortable for a tall person but it is not too bad. The nicer buses will have some television and provide you with a bottle of water. These bus stations are usually located next to the railway stations in China so central location and good transfer point if needed. I feel this is a great way to really experience China. If you would like to be a favorite link on my blog or if you would like information on teaching English in China contact me at Here are some links for bus travel.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Teaching ESL In China
Teaching ESL in China can be so exciting and rewarding. When first arriving as a foreign teacher you will be very busy. If you are working for a private school you probably start teaching the next day after you arrive. If you are working for a public school usually they will give a few days for an adjustment period. In my case I was working for a private training center and I taught the next day. The first day in China you will also have to register with the local police department as being a new resident. You also will be required to get a new cell phone in the first few days after you arrive. Cell phones in China are relatively inexpensive so do not be worried. Expect to be exceptionally busy for the first week. You probably will have a lot of extracurricular activities to attend along with many classes to teach. Generally Chinese schools really want to entertain foreign teachers their first week. The classes will be very large I have taught classes with as many as 70 students in the class. You primarily will be an oral English teacher meaning a lot of repetition and therefore you are going to be using your voice a lot so be prepared. I definitely recommend getting a water bottle for classes.  You also will have competent assistants to help you with translation.The housing should be very nice actually you will be pleasantly surprised I know that I was. My apartment was a three bedroom and I was the only one living there. There also will be many people LOVING to say hello to you. I just call it the random hello they really want to try their English with you. So if you want to try something different and really experience another culture be a ESL teacher in China.