Monday, September 30, 2013

First Day Of Many Woderful Interesting Days

The young man approached me and said hello and introduced himself. He then started speaking to me in Japanese. I speak Japanese so I answered him and asked him are you Japanese? He told me no I am Chinese. I of course was curious on why does this speak young Chinese man speak Japanese so well. He told me he was just interested in the language. He also said that he wanted to travel to Japan some day. My assistant then came up and it was time to go back to my apartment. I asked him do you want to walk with us to my apartment? He says of course sounds great. At this time my assistant asks me who is this guy? And then I remember I don't even know my new friend's name hahaha!! So I ask him what's your name? He says my name is Zhang Nan. Then I turn to Tammy and say this is Zhang Nan. Now  I am finally revealing the assistant's name. 

We arrive back at my apartment and Tammy promptly leaves. I remind her I have no water. She advises me to go to WalMart just down the street. I ask Zhang Nan would you like to go to WalMart with me? He says yes of course. I think to myself what a great guy I don't really know this guy and he so willing to help me. We go to WalMart and Zhang Nan is very helpful. He helps me buy water and deodorant, two things I am in dire need of now. After we finish buying these items Zhang Nan offers to buy me dinner. At this point I really begin to suspect this guy. hahaha!! I think maybe he wants something from me or I don't know he has bad intentions. ALERT this is very regular Chinese are friendly and they really love to have foreign friends. I agree and we go have some very delicious ramen. 

We go back to my apartment and I get Zhang Nan's phone number. I don't have a phone at this time but I know I will get one tomorrow. He leaves and after this I remember I still don't have a clock. So here goes another evening of not knowing what time it is and then who knows what time I will wake up tomorrow morning. I also do not have internet so what kind of evening is this going to be. I decide to go for a walk and take in my new neighborhood some more. I head out to the main street in front of my community Congtai Lu. In Chinese Lu means street. I get to Congtai Lu and see there is a pretty serious traffic jam I wonder what the backup is? Well I make a right and go down the street a little and I find out there is a DONKEY in the street holding everything up. I know now I am really far away from home. The donkey is pretty heavily packed down but moving along pretty good though the cars were surely suffering. I walked a little further and I actually found a bakery with some nice custard tarts and COFFEE I could not believe it. I went back to my new place waving to just about everyone on my way and returning random HELLOS!! from very friendly local Chinese. Hello, HELLO, hello, I think they really love the word hello here. Nope not that at all the locals are just very happy and excited to see a foreign. 

Okay see you next time.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Arrival Handan, China

We arrived in Handan West Railway station around midnight and it was raining heavily SO PLEASANT! We are leaving and again we are met by a myriad of cabbies this time just regular cars. We approach our first cab and we get in and she starts talking to the cabbie and then she tells me no not this cab. I was thinking OKAY THIS IS STRANGE! ALERT in Handan when it starts getting late in the evening the taxi drivers start setting their own rates because there is no other form of public transportation available. We head to another taxi and again we don't get in by now I am completely exhausted. Finally we get a taxi that is offering a reasonable price to take us to my new apartment. We arrive at my new apartment at 1am and I am barely able to move. 

The school assistant shows me the apartment a little bit and she is gone. I look around some more then just pass out on my new bed. All of a sudden I just remembered I have NO alarm clock to wake me up in the morning OH WELL! So the next morning I wake up at whatever time. I take a walk around my new community and like what I see, a nice outdoor exercise gym and many other wonderful accessories. ALERT many communities in China have nice outdoor exercise gyms. I come back to my apartment and about 5 minutes later I get a knock at my door WHAT? it is already the afternoon. My assistant comes in and tells me I have about 15 minutes before I have to go and teach. I go to take a shower OH GREAT!! no water. My shower does not work and I have not taken a shower in about 2 days now. I am going to smell SO GOOD for these new students. No shower let's splash water on the face and go. Oh no! no water in the bathroom sink either! Okay I will just get some deodorant on and hope for the best. Search through my baggage for the several sticks of deodorant that I had packed and oh guess what NO DEODORANT! I had been robbed of all deodorant and shampoo. SHOOT!! I just thought to myself it is going to be a very long day.

We arrive at the school and I am quickly given a schedule of classes and taken to my first class. I again think to myself it is going to be a very long day. I briefly look at the schedule and see that it is five 30 minute classes OH THIS IS NOT GOOD! I am tired, hungry, thirsty and SMELLY!! Remember how I told you about my assistant and how she takes her job really seriously well she came to the rescue right after my first class. She brought me a huge bag of goodies to eat and two bottles of water. I was saved and at that point I thought she was an angel. I was able to handle the classes quite well and survived the day in one piece. I go outside and wait for my wonderful helper and that is when I meet my first friend. This young man just comes up to me and introduces himself and this is when it gets interesting. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Beijing Xi Railway Station to Handan

We are now off to Beijing Xi Railway Station. We took a bus to Beijing Xi Railway Station and it was anywhere from 75 to 90 minutes by bus. It was about 5pm when were leaving and it started to rain that was just great. The bus ride from Beijing airport to Beijing Xi is actually quite nice and comfortable.  Of course being a foreigner and the only on the bus which was packed I was heavily stared at. This is nothing unusual to me since I have similar experience in Japan. If you are going there try hard to not let the staring overwhelm you because it can be pretty heavy at times. We arrive at Beijing Xi and we are mugged by a myriad of cab drivers I was a little shocked. When the bus stops at Beijing Xi it is still about 400 meters away. Therefore the myriad of cabbies and I mean cabs of all forms trikes, bikes with coaches in the back and some other motorcycle like thing that's my description for this vehicle. I hop on one trike and she hops on another and we go to the railway station  A tidbit of information Beijing Xi means Beijing West in English. 

We arrive at the railway station and yes it is HUGE!! and a little intimidating. Plenty of places to eat at the railway station so no problem there but everyone of them was packed. ALERT this is usual so just hang in there and be patient. We finally eat at at fast food Chinese place go figure! She insists that I eat a lot and I am hungry so I do but I am wondering why so much insisting. ??? WHAT'S THE DEAL HERE?? After this we head to the train we are catching a K-train I am of course only expecting something really nice. Hahaha!! wrong you are. We get to the platform I look at the train and it looks like some kind of cattle car. Remember what I said about trains in the previous post heed my warning on this do not ever ride a slow train in China if you are a Westerner. You will have a terrible experience pay a little extra and get a sleeper car if you are riding a slow train. The cost for a sleeper car on a slow train is about 8 dollars more. JUST DO IT!!

We head for the train with my three heavy bags and my little helper is carrying two of the bags. She seriously insisted on this I tried to stop her from carrying those bags and she got very upset. ALERT do not try and stop Chinese woman from helping you they will get very upset and I mean VERY UPSET! They just really want to help. We finally get to our seats after hopping from one car to another car and we are exhausted. I look around and the train is packed just like sardines haha! I am sitting and this dude;s butt is right in my face. SO PLEASANT! ALERT this is also the usual on trains in China they are packed so just deal with it. At this moment is when I ask the school assistant "how long is the train ride?" She looks at me and says about 5 hours. The dude's butt is REALLY in my face. Well this is going to be such a nice ride. An hour into the ride with the dude's butt still in my face she turns to me and says "Can you teach tomorrow?" ALERT this is the usual deal when you are going to be teaching in China so no freaking out. I looked at her and said let me think about that. Five and half hours later we arrive in Handan with the dude's butt in my face the whole way. After we arrive I tell her yes I can teach tomorrow but not until the afternoon. To be continued.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

This blog is going to be about my time in China as a ESL teacher it will be informative for ESL teachers going to China and informative for travellers to China. I will not be candy coating anything I will try and refrain from using profanity but sometimes I will not be able to help myself since that would be candy coating the facts and my emotion.

After thinking about it for so long I had finally decided to go to China as an ESL teacher. I attacked by posting on Linkedin that I was interested in going to China as an ESL teacher. RED ALERT! be careful of doing that. I was emailed by several recruiters about positions all over China. I had so many job offers I was overwhelmed and I had to just little by little reply to them. I started replying to these recruiters and it was very frustrating because the level of their English was that of a 7 year old maybe. Believe me that is challenging to deal with when you are trying to negioate a teaching position in a country you are not familiar with and maybe a little intimidated by. Finally after a month of this kind of B.S. I was approached by a recruiter that could actually speak English very good. 

We talked many times over the phone and I accepted his teaching position to Handan, China. Okay here is another RED ALERT! Do not go to small cities in China really really a bad idea. Only go to large well known cities believe me there is a reason for this. You will start learning the reason shortly. I started reading about Handan, China over the internet and it seemed intriguing and exciting. I could imagine all kinds of adventures and all the people and an excellent public transportation system with a really cool subway and everything. HAHA!! sorry about that. I got my plane ticket and got ready for an exciting adventure to Handan, China and teaching the Fall semester there. 

I received an email from an assistant in Handan asking me to give her information about my arrival so that she could book train tickets for us to travel to Handan from Beijing. RED ALERT! take this stuff seriously trains in China SUCK!! If going to China as a teacher or a traveller if you are taking a slow train and these are called K trains or something else other than D or G train make sure you pay a little extra and get a sleeper car.  Always being willing to pay a little extra for your own comfort this is serious in China. It is usually not that much more. Okay now back to the story. I emailed her back with the information and she said I will book the tickets and look forward to meeting you in Beijing. I packed up and got ready to go. I packed everything including much deodorant, shampoo and soap cause I remembered how expensive those particular sundries were in Japan so I thought it was probably the same in China. This is a fact these items are much more expensive in China. 

I was ready and I was on my way to Handan, China first stop Beijing. The Plane ride was good and comfortable but very long coming from Detroit about 13+ hours. We landed in Beijing Capital Airport and customs and immigration was very easy and they were actually friendly. In the meeting area I was met by a very friendly and helpful young Chinese lady. She held up a sign in the meeting area and I quickly thought WOW! she is great! We exchanged hellos and nice to meet yous and we were off. The next stop is Beijing Xi Railway Station the main train station in China and the largest train station in all of Asia. NOW THE JOURNEY BEGINS!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You are going to China.

You are going to China be ready for an adventure of a lifetime. You are to going see, hear and feel things like you never have before in your life. And this is a guaranteed thing.