Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ESL Teaching Tips "Exciting and Competitive"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Great Coffees Of China

https://www.facebook.com/aaron.pierson.73 https://twitter.com/alohabadger
Today I was kindly reminded of something that I truly love. Coffee from China is a remarkable beverage and a drink to be appreciated if you are coffee drinker. This morning on QQ a Chinese friend told me he was sending me some coffee from Yunnan Province. I was so happy to hear that. Coffee from Yunnan has a very distinctive taste and is very aromatic. The coffee from Yunnan that I have enjoyed was a peaberry type which had a fruity and a little sour taste to it. I know there are several other types of coffee grown in Yunnan so if a sour taste is not your preference then I am sure there is another coffee from there you could enjoy. I think it is so great and unexpected that a coffee of this high a level comes from China. Coffee from Hainan Island is an outstanding beverage. Hainan coffee is deep and earthy tasting. This coffee is also very fragrant and smells as good as it tastes. Hainan has a long history of coffee and is must try. Here is a recommended site to learn more about coffee from Hainan Island. http://en.visithainan.gov.cn/en/foodview_2443.htm

Saturday, January 4, 2014

China Land Of Smiles And Friendships

https://www.facebook.com/aaron.pierson.73 https://twitter.com/alohabadger
I have to say my teaching experience was also a learning experience. I learned a lot about adjusting and accepting another culture. I gave China a nickname while I was there I called it "Land of Smiles" it just seemed so appropriate to me. Whenever I was outside to go somewhere or to do something I always only saw smiles on everyone's face. I had another nickname for China also the "Land of Hellos". That came about because it also seemed everywhere I went many people would be saying HELLO! to me. I could sometimes hear a hello from WAY across the street. This was sometimes annoying but usually I just found it funny. Once I was walking down the street and I was invited by several men to eat lunch with them. They did not speak English but they still invited me to lunch by using hand  gestures and whatever else they could use. I always thought that was so nice the eagerness to meet a foreigner. 

I had some wonderful friends in China and I still keep in contact with them through QQ International. For many of my Chinese friends I am the first foreigner they have ever met and they tell me it is an honor that I am their friend. That is so nice to be respected like that. For me that is too much but for my Chinese friends they are very serious when they say it is an honor to have me as a friend. To me it is an honor to still have them as friends. This was a wonderful opportunity that I got when living in China to make friends with locals and really discover Chinese culture in this way. I also like the way Chinese greet each other. In America we like to say "hi how are you?" Chinese say "Did you eat yet?" When I first heard this greeting I thought it was so strange cause I always thought they were asking me to go somewhere to eat or something. Living and teaching in China was such a great experience.